Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Plan to succeed!

One of the things I would miss about my current job (when I leave someday) is the privilege to attend different conferences. I get to personally meet and listen to various political figures and national icons.

Just last week, I heard the new Secretary of the Department of Energy speak about the energy situation in the Philippines. He said that for 2013 until 2016, projects are already in place in order to avoid possible shortage of electricity in the country. However, the problem still lies for 2011 and 2012, whilst this period should have been addressed in 2008 and 2009.

In another event, an international fitness trainer shared his personal experience with co-trainers from other parts of the world. He said that the secret of excellent trainers is that they are not only passionate about the piece of fitness program they create, nor the mere end result of their training, but they are also very much interested about the planning stage in their career. They plan with passion! They have both long term (i.e. healthier attitude, better lifestyle) and short term goals (i.e. programs, structures).

As another year concludes, I have been attending many business planning sessions inside and outside work. Everyone seems to be busy carrying out their SWOT plans for their companies and organizations, preparing for their Christmas parties, or planning how to spend this Christmas season with their loved ones. Obviously PLANNING is something we cannot do without IF we have an objective in life. It does not go out of season, whether during working days and even on holidays. Planning is definitely an essential part to success!

If you can plan for short-lived parties, why not plan for your long enjoyment in the future? If you can plan for your company’s success, why not plan for your own? If you can set goals for others to succeed, why not create your own objectives? Have you got plans for 2011? If not, consider asking yourself:

1. What do you want and why?
2. Where are you now?
3. Why are you in your current situation?
4. How do you get what you want?
5. Do you know if you can get what you want?

If you find it difficult to reply to these questions now, it is never too late to find the answers. At the Wealth Academy, planning is the no. 1 criteria for success. People are taught, guided and mentored on areas of personal financial management not only to create wealth but also protect it. The average person, even the poor, has an equal chance to become successful because they are given the right information. If your goal is to achieve a better future, send me an email at:

Plan for what is ahead. Now is the best time! Tomorrow maybe too late.

Remember, most people do not plan to fail, they just fail to plan!

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