Monday, February 14, 2011

I Love Savings!

When I was little, I used to save part of my school allowance and put it in my piggy bank. When I got a little bigger, I opened a junior account in a bank which after a while closed down for reasons I could not comprehend at that time yet. I was so scared that my savings would not be returned while I was queuing for such a long time along with other people who also wanted back their money.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Losing weight after the holidays

Last Christmas, most of us have eaten excessively. A lot of people gained weight and had higher cholesterol level. As a response to bulges and the flabs, many are offering different types of quick fix solutions such as easy-to-take diet pills, various fad diets and costly fat-burning equipment and procedures. But what do doctors simply recommend? Healthy food, a moderate lifestyle, and exercise! Although losing weight may take a while following these simple steps, the important thing is that they are the safest.